Light and Darkness, the beginning and the end. Between these two opposites lies the meaning of our existence. This is the interpretative key of “Vigor et Rigor”, Lucia Succi’s exhibition that will be inaugurated at the “Stanza Rossa” (via IV Novembre 2/d) on Saturday 11 May, at 5.30 p.m.
Curated by Franco Spina, the exhibition presents a roundup of images centred on two subjects that have inspired the author for their evocative power, namely the statues of the Marble Stadium in Rome and the statues of the Monumental Cemetery in Milan (Vigor et Rigor), “two perfect opposites of our life, often tiring, sometimes light, towards a goal”.
In short, “the strength, the energy, the beauty that is mirrored in memory, in the already past, in the silence of absence, which paradoxically also contain their own poignant beauty”.
“Ever since I was a child”, notes Lucia Succi, “I have had a passion for photography. When I photograph, an understanding is created between me and the photographed subject, a mysterious dialogue. This exhibition”, she continues, “illustrates two perfect opposites, between which lies our living, our journey towards something unknown. I deliberately used black and white for life and colour for death, not wanting rules or boundaries between the two realities. I would like to thank Franco Spina, curator of the event, and Jaures Baldeschi, for his hospitality in the Stanza Rossa exhibition space”.

The exhibition, which enjoys the patronage of the Municipality of Castelfiorentino, is organised with the participation of Pasticceria Dei and will be open as follows: Sunday 12 May and from 16 to 20 May from 5.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. For information:

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